
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

weight-bearing, days 7 & 10

I told you little curious monkeys I'd keep you updated on my walking progress! I'm still mostly doing 1-crutch walking (as seen on day 7), but on Monday in PT I got to try zero crutches, so I've been playing around with it just a little bit (it's relatively painful so I'm not doing much).

I hope you guys enjoy these weird little's quite a slow process on my end so I'm trying to just give the highlights.


  1. Did you have alot of pain when you started walking?

    1. Hey Apbarr - yes I sure as hell did. Aside from just the overall weirdness of it, I had tingly nerve pain, I had sore muscle pain - but it came and went. The pain was definitely overshadowed by the joy of walking :)

    2. I don't look forward to that but will have to get through it so I can get back to work. I'm hoping not to have pain from the implants themselves also and think I can probably take the nerve tingles and sore muscles. I was really happy when I first stood on my knees! lol Thanks for the heads up.

  2. Your blog has really help me through this time I broke my ankle December 24, 2017 and had my surgery December 29th. I unfortunately had to spend my 24th birthday (January 24th) in a splint. I have been in a splint since my surgery. I recently got my stitches taken out And was placed back into another split. Even though I know I should not have been walking I have been. Not a lot just here and there in the house. But as soon as I stand up or walk I come and lay back down and put my foot up. I based my activity off of my pain. Surprisingly I actually can walk without the crutches but I just use one so that everyone around me feels comfortable. I get my boot on January 30th. So I’m pretty sure that I’ll be able to walk with the boot since I have been walking with the split. I have some tingling when I step, it feels as though my foot is asleep but it’s not so bad. I just hope that when I get this boot it allows me to get closer to being normal again.
